Study Grants* for everyone
To help you we will fund 25% of your course fees - Use code SG20 when you enrol
About us
As a long-established and ethical college, we take pleasure and pride in knowing that our courses and support have enabled many people, from all walks of life, to start rewarding careers or develop new skills.
We hope that, by learning more about BSY, you will also see that we are a dedicated, friendly college with a passion for providing students with courses that can change their lives.
For advice on which course to choose or to enrol
Our history
The British School of Yoga was established in 1946. Over time, as we increased our range of courses, we evolved to become BSY, the UK’s first home-study college to specialise in complementary therapies.
Now, we have over 300 courses available, in fascinating areas including counselling, beauty, animal healing, sports and fitness, and mind, body spirit.
Over the years, we have always stayed true to our ethos of providing quality courses, supported by people who genuinely care.
“Very real people, BSY doesn’t feel like a faceless business at all, it felt very personal”
Our students
Our students have independently awarded us a rating of 4.7 out of 5 from over 100 student reviews on www.reviewcentre.com2 .
A personalised, friendly and supportive approach is at the heart of what we do so we are very proud of our family of BSY students and appreciate the feedback they share with us1 .
“I would just like to say, since enrolling with BSY, I have felt so much more confident about my future.”
“Thank you for a great course and I look forward to reporting back on my new career.”
“This course has made me really think about my own life and has changed me and the way I see things.”
“I've been made to feel important and certainly no trouble. I've spoken to my tutors…who have all encouraged me with great feedback and support.”
“The course has helped me to understand and grow in my area of interest. I'm so happy I took the time to do it. I have been able to do the course at my own pace. Likewise the marking and returning of my assignments are timely. I'm looking forward to doing other courses with BSY.”
Our courses
BSY offer fascinating and rewarding courses which have been written specifically for you to study from the comfort of your own home and at your own pace - with no deadlines.
Practical training is also available on select courses where you receive hands on training from an experienced tutor.
“Staff are friendly, feedback on assignments is positive and always constructive, and the courses are fun and interesting”
Browse our range of
Our personal tutors
We know that students find our personal tutor support invaluable. With BSY, our experienced tutors are on hand and can be reached by phone, email or post, to offer unlimited support, advice and encouragement to students.
Our tutors have significant experience and knowledge, and are dedicated to taking care of our students.
“Any time I have had to phone you, the staff have all been really nice and helpful - you are made to feel you’re never asking "daft" questions.”
Our accreditations and affiliations
Over the years, our approach has always been to have recognition from external accreditation bodies with robust standards:
We offer a number of NCFE CACHE qualifications.
NCFE is a registered educational charity and Awarding Organisation that designs, develops and certificates nationally recognised qualifications. CACHE (the Council for Awards in Care, Health and Education) is the UK’s leading sector specialist in health, care and education. In 2015 CACHE became part of NCFE. NCFE CACHE qualifications offered by BSY are regulated by Ofqual in England.
OCN Credit4Learning is a nationally recognised accrediting body. Successfully completing an OCN accredited course with BSY enables you to gain nationally recognised credits which are accepted as entry to further education and university education.
We are endorsed by the Quality Licence Scheme, which includes us passing robust and rigorous quality audits by external inspectors.
Please view our
courses for the additional awards that you can receive upon successful completion.
Find out more about our accreditations and affiliations
“I'm so thankful that I decided to further my studies that would allow me to take my profession to the next level.”
Further information
Our helpful student advisors and tutors can answer any questions you may have and offer you advice on which of our courses to choose.
Please call
01409 220 400 (Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm) or email us at and we will be happy to help.
1 Quotes taken from student surveys completed from August 2017 onwards.
2 Source: Information correct as of 17.11.17